Author: adminaidaa

Aerospace Italy Talks

Francesco de Pinedo: la vita ed i giri del mondo in idrovolante

In questo talk, tenuto il 27 Giugno 2024 da Antonio di Biase, Giornalista culturale e Alumnus del SPLab del Politecnico di Milano, si è discusso della biografia dell’aviatore De Pinedo. Nello specifico, Antonio di Biase ha evidenziato le straordinarie doti di aviatore di De Pinedo che ha solcato i cieli e le coste di tutto il mondo a bordo dei primi idrovolanti negli anni ’20.

La registrazione del talk è visionabile al fondo di questa pagina.




In this talk, held on 27 June 2024 by Antonio di Biase, Cultural Journalist and Alumnus of the SPLab at the Politecnico di Milano, the biography of aviator De Pinedo was discussed. Specifically, Antonio di Biase highlighted the extraordinary aviation skills of De Pinedo, who sailed the skies and coasts of the world as a pilot aboard the first seaplanes in the 1920s.

A recording of the talk can be viewed at the bottom of this page. English subtitles can be enabled.



Aerospace Italy Talks

La transizione verde nell’aviazione commerciale

L’11 giugno 2024, presso l’Accademia dei Lincei, il Prof. Erasmo Carrera, docente presso il Politecnico di Torino e presidente dell’ A.I.D.A.A., ha tenuto una presentazione dal titolo “La transizione verde nell’aviazione commerciale”. Durante l’intervento, il Prof. Carrera ha illustrato le principali sfide che l’aviazione dovrà affrontare per ridurre il proprio impatto sul clima e le principali tecnologie abilitanti che potranno consentire il raggiungimento di questo obbiettivo, valutandone vantaggi e svantaggi.

La registrazione del talk è visionabile al fondo di questa pagina. L’intervento inizia a 1:15:25.




On 11 June 2024, at the Accademia dei Lincei, Prof. Erasmo Carrera, Full Professor at the Politecnico di Torino and President of A.I.D.A.A., was the speaker of a presentation entitled ‘The Green Transition in Commercial Aviation’. Prof. Carrera presented the main challenges that aviation will have to face in order to reduce its impact on the climate and the main enabling technologies that will pave the way for achieving this goal, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages.

A recording of the talk can be viewed at the bottom of this page. Presentation starts at 1:15:25.



Aerospace Italy Talks

Il ritorno di dirigibili e idrovolanti: icone dal passato per la nuova aviazione sostenibile

In questo talk, tenuto il 31 maggio 2024 dal Prof. Massimiliano Pinucci, docente presso l’Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche di Firenze, si è discusso di idrovolanti e dirigibili. Nello specifico, il talk tenuto dal Prof. Pinucci ha evidenziato come queste macchine volanti, icone del passato, stiano tornando alla ribalta nel contesto di un’aviazione sempre piu sostenibile.

La registrazione del talk è visionabile al fondo di questa pagina.




In this talk, held by Prof. Massimiliano Pinucci, Professor at the Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche in Florence, the topics of seaplanes and airships were discussed. Prof. Pinucci, through a journey into the history of the technology of these aircraft, highlighted how these flying machines, icons of the past, are making a comeback in the context of an increasingly sustainable aviation.

A recording of the talk can be viewed at the bottom of this page. English subtitles can be enabled.




Introduction to Theory-Guided Machine Learning and Its Applications to Multi-Physics Problems in Engineering

Introduction to Theory-Guided Machine Learning and Its Applications to Multi-Physics Problems in Engineering

25-27 June 2024

Overview and General Information:

Problems of interest in science and engineering are often multi-physics, with complexities stemming from the interactions of various mechanisms, and inherent uncertainties and variabilities. In an industrial setting, we frequently aim to conduct optimization tasks in such complex and high-dimensional domains. For example, the 3D printing of thermoplastics involves heat and mass transfers, where the material undergoes thermo-chemical and thermo-mechanical changes along with several phase transformations. Evaluating the performance of the material under such conditions is challenging due to the complexities of the underlying multi-physics problem, as well as noise/errors in measurements, process uncertainties, and material variabilities. To evaluate or conduct optimization tasks, current practices often rely on methods such as Design of Experiments (DoE), and/or numerical methods.

In the recent decade, the application of data-driven and machine learning (ML) methods has also been explored with varying degrees of success. However, ML methods have been shown to suffer from a variety of shortcomings, including brittleness outside of their training zones. More recently, different families of data-driven methods have evolved to address the complexities of such multi-physics problems, including theory-guided machine learning (TGML), also referred to as scientific AI or physics-informed ML. TGML represents a merger between science-based methods, including finite element (FE) analysis, and ML techniques to overcome the challenges associated with theory-agnostic ML methods in physical domains.

Learning Objectives:

This course aims to introduce participants to TGML and its applications. First, a short overview of theory-agnostic ML methods, including Neural Networks (NN) for large datasets and Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) for small datasets, will be given. Simple engineering applications including heat transfer will be demonstrated. Next, TGML and its notable techniques will be introduced, with examples provided. A combination of experimental data and numerical data will be used to train ML models. Python programming with built-in libraries will be employed to develop ML codes during the course. Participants can follow the instructor to develop codes using Python on their own machines. Python codes and example datasets will be provided as well.

> Download Course Brochure


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    Acoustics in aerospace – Numerical methods and materials characterization

    Acoustics in aerospace – Numerical methods and materials characterization

    15-16 April 2024

    The aim of this webinar is to deal with the main criticisms related to acoustic simulation and noisesuppression in the aerospace sector. This objective is achieved by initially introducing and discussing the state-of-the-art methods and technologies that are relevant to this field.Subsequently, the fundamentals of analytical (Transfer Matrix Method) and numerical (Wave Finite Element Method) approaches are illustrated, which constitute powerful and efficient techniques to estimate the absorption and transmission properties of a sound package. Lastly, some innovative acoustic meta-material configurations are presented, based on a periodic pattern of porous unit cells, whose main homogenization models are defined and discussed too. These topics address different applications not only in the aerospace industry, but more generally in transportation(automotive, railway), energy and civil engineering sectors, where both weight and space, as well as vibroacoustic comfort, still remain as critical issues.

    > Download Course Brochure


    You need to buy one of the package list available here and use the Order ID assigned to you after purchase.
    You need to Login for registration.


      Integration of Stealth Characteristics to Combat Aircraft Design

      Integration of Stealth Characteristics to Combat Aircraft Design

      26/27 March 14.30-16.30 CET

      Overview and General Information:

      Modern combat aircraft design is governed by signature reduction requirements, both in the electromagnetic and infrared spectra. At present it is commonly accepted to sacrifice other aspects of the design, such as aerodynamic and propulsion performance, to achieve low observability. Still, the final mission requirements might require a minimum trade-off according to the airframe mission (air dominance, surveillance, strike). In this webinar, the concept of signature reduction/control applied to combat aircraft will be discussed. Attendees will learn to quantify the performance characteristics attainable from different solutions. The basics of radar and infrared signature requirements (applied to aircraft), and their effect on final airframe shape will be analysed, considering the relative importance in current and future designs. The course will end with a trade-off analysis of some current designs.

      Learning Objectives:

      • Definition of survivability.
      • Basic of Radar Cross Section and Infrared signature.
      • Design requirements and major challenges in stealth airframe design.
      • Trade-off considerations.

      Target audience

      Doctoral and post-graduate students, aerospace and defence industry professionals, and military officers.

      > Download Course Brochure


      You need to buy one of the package list available here and use the Order ID assigned to you after purchase.
      You need to Login for registration.

        Congresses and events, Upcoming events

        IAC 2024

        IAC 2024

        11-18th October 2024, Milan

        More than 8,000 experts from industry, research, and institutions will attend the 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) from 14-18 October 2024 in Milan, placing Italy at the forefront of the international discussion on how space can be used to promote sustainability.

        The city of Milano will host the 75th edition of the International Astronautical Congress IAC2024, the most important world event in the space sector. Milan being selected by the more than 400 delegates of the General Assembly of the International Astronautical Federation from 73 countries of the world and gathered in Dubai from 25 to 29 October for the 72nd edition of the IAC2021.

        AIDAA President and Local Chairman of IAC 2024 Erasmo Carrera’s welcome greetings are available here.

        Congresses and events, Upcoming events

        ICAS 2024


        9-13th September 2024, Florence

        ICAS is the international organization of aeronautical engineering societies with members from 30 countries. The International Congress is every two years and covers all aspects of aeronautical science and technology and applications to aviation. ICAS 2024 is scheduled from 9 to 13 September 2024 in Florence.

        Congresses and events, Past events

        AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference

        AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference

        4-7th June 2024, Rome

        AIDAA is glad to announce that the 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (Aeroacoustics 2024) will be held in Rome from 4 to 7th June 2024. The Conference represents the premier international forum for the field of aeroacoustics and provides an exceptional opportunity for scientists and engineers from industry, government, and academia to exchange knowledge and results of current studies and to discuss directions for future research.

        Congresses and events, Upcoming events

        6° edizione del Premio in memoria del Prof. Franco Persiani

        6° Edizione del Premio in memoria del Prof. Franco Persiani

        31 July 2024, Forlì, Italy

        L’AIDAA annuncia la pubblicazione del bando della 6° edizione del Premio in memoria del Professore Franco Persiani, di cui è promotrice unitamente al Centro Studi Franco Persiani e a Serinar. Il premio è destinato a laureati in Ingegneria Aerospaziale o Aerospace Engineering in qualsiasi Università italiana che hanno discusso la propria tesi di laurea magistrale sul tema “Innovazione per il settore aeronautico”  nel periodo dal 1 ottobre 2023 al 31 luglio 2024. La scadenza per presentare le domande è fissata al 31 luglio 2024. 

        Il prof. Persiani è stato dal 2009 al 2013 presidente dell’AIDAA.

        Maggiori informazioni sul premio e sul bando possono essere trovate qui.