Congresses and Events

Upcoming events

6° edizione del Premio in memoria del Prof. Franco Persiani
ICAS 2024
IAC 2024

Past events

AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition EBACE2024
4th Aerospace PhD-Days
Celebration of the Centennial of the Italian Air Force and the Centennial of the AIDAA Section of Roma
European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition EBACE2023
Space Meetings Veneto
100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the AIDAA Section of Torino
AAE Conference
Celebration of the Centennial of the AIDAA Section of Napoli
3rd Aerospace PhD-Days
SESAR Young Scientist Award 2023
5° edizione del Premio in memoria del prof. Franco Persiani
AIDAA XXVII International Congress
4° edizione del Premio in memoria del prof. Franco Persiani
ENAV Thinking Cup 2022
Cerimonia di firma del contratto IAC 2024
European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition EBACE2022
10th Design, Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems Conference
9th International Symposium on Scale Modeling
Luigi Broglio e le attività aerospaziali italiane tra passato e futuro
Centenario di A.I.D.A.A
33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Science
Aerospace Europe Conference 2021
AIDAA XXVI International Congress
Meeting of the European PhD Students in Aerospace Engineering
International Astronautical Congress 2021
Conferenza "Ingegneria e progettazione del dirigibile"
Conferenza "Dirigibili - I transatlantici del cielo"