To renew you subscription:
- choose the package (it can be different from the previous one);
- go to payment (you can either pay by Bank Transfer or using Paypal or Credit Card);
- complete and send the form with your data and the proof of payment.
Important: the AIDAA memebrship will begin the day of the payment until the end of the calendar year (31/12).
Bank Transfer
Account holder: A.I.D.A.A. – Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica
IBAN: IT83F0200805164000005064973
Reason for payment (causale): Your name and surname (renew), registration pack*
* add in the “Reason for payment” if the book is included or/and the amount of an optional contribution to AIDAA.
Pay with Paypal or Credit Card
To complete you renewal to AIDAA and for the invoice fill the following form: