Introduction to the design of LEO nanosatellite orbits for local coverage
16, 18 NOVEMBER 2021
This webinar introduces the design of orbits for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) nanosatellites and nanosatellite’s constellations to maximise local transmission or coverage capacity with a limited number of satellites. It will describe the main drivers in determining orbital evolution in Low Earth Orbit considering the perturbed two-body problem of Keplerian orbital dynamic and deriving the expression for repeated ground track and revisit time considering different coverage or visibility conditions with multiple ground stations. Finally, the webinar will present the application of orbit analysis investigations to maximise the visibility of single satellites from multiple ground stations and optimise local coverage patterns using special architectures for regional constellation design (Walker and flower constellations) aimed at continuous optical and SAR monitoring of large infrastructures.
Learning objectives:
- Classical and perturbed two-body orbital flight dynamics;
- Repeated ground track orbits and revisits time calculation;
- Regional constellation design.
Target audience: doctoral students interested in Earth orbit nanosat constellations design, engineers who aspire to a deeper understanding of applied orbital dynamics, technical or non-technical professionals new to the space industry who need an introduction to the problem of orbital design in LEO.